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The Benefits of Protein

The Benefits of Protein

Protein is found throughout the body-- hair, skin, nails, muscles, and more. To support the function of proteins in the body, we need to fuel our bodies with protein-rich foods every single day. There are so many great foods to choose from and the benefits of protein are even better when combined with carbohydrates and healthy fats. Our nutrition blog breaks down a few of our favorite pros of proteins:

1. Strengthens Muscles

Protein works as a building block for our muscles as well as our skin and other tissues. It not only powers you through your day but provides strength for your body. Feed your body what it needs with your favorite meats, nuts, and legumes.

2. Repairs and Replenishes

Replenish yourself after a long day, tough workout, or big adventure with the proper fuel. While protein strengthens your muscles and body, it also aids in its repair of those same muscles.

3. Oxygenates the Blood

Protein is equipped to build and strengthen muscles by supporting the cells to oxygenate the blood and perform their necessary functions. This article tells us that ‘[protein] makes up the enzymes that power many chemical reactions and the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in your blood.”

4. Provides Digestive Enzymes

The enzymes made from proteins help aid in digestion by breaking down the foods we eat and allowing for the body to absorb its nutrients. A healthy digestive process makes a world of difference in your day-to-day life as well as your overall health.

5. Hormone regulation

Hunger is a hormonal response. With appropriate portions of proteins in your daily diet, you can regulate these hunger hormones and improve your metabolic health.

6. Providing Amino Acids

Protein is made of amino acids, some of which must come from our foods. Our body is unable to store amino acids, so it must create them or modify others to get what it needs. By filling your diet with healthy proteins, you are providing it with the necessary tools for major functions.

7. Perfectly Paired

Natural proteins are often combined with other macronutrients for the perfect combination of energy and vitamins. For sustainable energy, get your macronutrients in every day.

At Kate’s Real Food we start each of our products with a smooth nut butter to provide you with the benefits of proteins and sustainable energy for your busy days and great adventures. Shop all seven of our delicious flavors here!