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Redefining Adventure

Redefining Adventure

When you think of the word “adventure,” what do you imagine? Do you see someone, maybe yourself, pushing physical limits in the great outdoors? Journeying towards achieving something they never have before? Does it feel dangerous? Or maybe it’s not physical at all. Does it feel emotional to you - a mental “summit” if you will?

Defining Adventure

For me, the thought of “adventure” changed in my early 20’s when I moved to Utah, saw my first ski movie, and learned how to ski. I started skiing all day, working all night, and becoming utterly obsessed with ski-town life. Never had I experienced such adrenaline, such joy, such happiness...such “adventure.” It quickly grew into a passion. This was my definition of “adventure.” Not a doubt in my mind.

To this very day, I continue to put a ton of energy, and even more money into the adventure of skiing. If I wasn’t skiing hard, seeking out challenging runs, then what was I doing? Anything less would be boring. A day on the green slopes with some “never-ever’s”? No thank you. A calm walk around the block in suburbia? That doesn’t sound like adventure. A day of errands and house improvements? I’d rather be stabbed with a fork. It was about charging as hard and fast as I possibly could, and nothing else scratched that itch for me the same way.

Adventuring Together

Fast forward 6-7 years, and I was lucky enough to meet my wife. My sense of adventure changed a bit over time, certainly after buying our first home, but skiing remained to be the pinnacle of adventure for us both. So much so that we went on a ski honeymoon to Japan. In the days leading up to the trip, we imagined our perma-grin faces bouncing through bottomless pow together.

The harsh reality we were met with upon landing in Hokkaido, was that Japan had been experiencing its lowest snow season in decades. “Just my luck,” I thought, “40 years of “japow” and this had to be the dry year?” We skied mostly bullet-proof snow in the morning, and slush in the afternoon, complete with a snowpack so shallow, that bamboo slaps in the face quickly became “normal.” This wasn’t the adventure we were hoping for. The ramen for lunch was delicious, but the skiing was absolute sh*t.

Our New Adventure

We depressingly slogged ourselves back to our crappy hotel room after doing our best to enjoy less-than-ideal conditions. I frustratingly whipped off my jacket while my wife headed for the shower, and a few minutes later, my wife let out the loudest, most emotional scream I had ever heard from her. I dropped everything and rushed over to see what happened.

With tear-filled eyes, she met me at the door to the bathroom, looked at me, and said calmly, “We did it,” while holding up a positive pregnancy test. Everything else just fell away, and waves of endless gratitude and emotion swept over us like the night sky. All of a sudden, the low snowpack and boring terrain didn’t matter anymore, and that’s when our definition of adventure changed forever.

Adventure in Every Day

That was almost 8 months ago now, and every day since that joyous moment, has been a true adventure. Learning, feeling, watching this baby boy grow in my wife’s belly; constantly envisioning and imagining the adventure of life that awaits him, and our ability as parents not only to witness, but actively participate in it.

To see fresh snow sparkle on a bluebird day; to smell crushed juniper leaves; to feel cool river water; to taste wild raspberries; to learn; to try; to fail; to succeed; to love; to hate; to feel bored….all for the first time. I realized quickly that adventure doesn’t always have to be extreme, and that adventure awaits around every corner of life for those who seek it.

Seeing my wife carrying our son in her belly reminds me on a daily basis that it matters not whether you’re skiing the magic carpet, or the big couloir; hiking 18 miles deep in the forest, or around the block; mapping out a backcountry ski day, or errands around town...adventure is not a thing, it’s a mindset.

At Kate’s Real Food we are here to support your every adventure, big and small. Everyday adventures deserve the best-tasting fuel made only from clean, organic ingredients. Check out our selection of energy bars and bites! To learn more about Will’s adventures you can follow him here!