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Introducing Snack Bites from Kate’s Real Food
Introducing Snack Bites from Kate’s Real Food

Introducing Snack Bites from Kate’s Real Food

If you’re like most parents, you probably keep a stash of snacks on hand for your kids’ lunchboxes. But, with so many options out there, it’s always a challenge finding snacks made from authentic, quality ingredients. When your kids go to school or you take a family camping trip, finding quality food that will keep [...]
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Our Best Energy Bars for 2020
Our Best Energy Bars for 2020

Our Best Energy Bars for 2020

At Kate’s Real Food, we take our energy bars to the next level by only using USDA Certified Organic, whole-food ingredients. And we check all your boxes with non-GMO, gluten-free products that have all natural honey to sweeten the deal. We understand that finding a nourishing and appetizing treat while on the go is difficult to [...]
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